Welcome Oakmont High School families. Congratulei is proud to partner with The OPC for your graduation. A portion of every lei sold will be going back to the school.
Graduates may wear traditional tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment at graduation (as long as it doesn't cause a substantial disruption of or interference with the ceremony).
Browse the options and customize your lei by submitting your order using the order form below.
Lei Products:

Kukui Nut Leis can come in an assortment of colors.

Kukui Nut Lei $20.00

Ribbon Lei $20.00

Candy Lei
Small $15.00
Medium $18.00
Large $24.00

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies
Double Ribbon Lei $30.00

Specialized Lei Token
$25 Gifted Value $55.00
$50 Gifted Value $80.00
$100 Gifted Value $130.00

Classic Money Lei with alternating silk flowers.

Solid Money Lei, best used for leis using 60-100 bills only

Classic Money Lei with alternating silk flowers.
Classic Lei
$50 Gifted Value $105.00
$100 Gifted Value $155.00

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies
Specialized Kukui Nut Lei
$50 Gifted Value $100.00
$100 Gifted Value $150.00

Specialized Lei Flower
$60 Gifted Value $100.00 $105 GIfted Value $145.00

Classic Lei with color
$50 Gifted Value $125.00
$100 Gifted Value $175.00

Money Lei Squared
($50 gifted value) $155.00
($100 gifted value) $205.00
Accessory Options:

Name $7.50
Year $7.50
Sports Medallion $7.50

Token Accessory $1.50

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies
Heart Money Accessory $1.50

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Butterfly Accessory $2.50

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Flower Accessory $3.50

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Rose Accessory $5.50

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies

Double Orchid Lei with 5 $10 Butterflies
Bow Accessory $1.50
Other Unique Gifts:

Candy Bouquet
Small $25.00
Large $45.00

Money Cake $225.00
($150 gifted value)